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Confessions of a Used Car Salesman

» Posted April 20, 2018Resources | Share This Post

Buying a car can be a really stressful process. There's a lot of uncertainty when it comes to what price you'll pay and whether you'll be happy with the vehicle you purchase. Unfortunately, no matter how much research you do or how careful you are when selecting a new vehicle, you could still end up getting a car with lots of problems. A California lemon law attorney can help you to understand your remedies in this situation.

While you may not be able to ensure the car you buy is free from defects, there are some things you can do to increase the likelihood of getting a good deal. Recently, Yahoo Finance provided some confessions of a car salesman who offered tips on how to get the best possible deal on a new vehicle that you buy.

Tips from a Car Salesman on Getting a Good Deal

Some of the tips that were offered by the car salesman in the Yahoo post include the following:

  • Be friendly: While you need to be a good negotiator to get a good deal, you don't have to be hostile to do it. Ultimately, both you and the car salesman want the same thing – for you to buy a car – so try to be nice and keep the mood light so your attitude isn't a turnoff to salespeople who might otherwise be willing to work a little harder to help you get a good deal.
  • Listen more: You need to display confidence during the buying process, but you don't want to talk too much. Over-sharing actually can make you seem more nervous, even if your goal is to demonstrate you've done a lot of research. Instead of continuing to talk, ask a simple question about the price and let the salesman fill the silence.
  • Ask lots of questions: Salesmen are trained to ask questions to control the conversation and to get you primed to accept their recommendations. You can flip the script by asking questions of the car dealer. Some suggested questions include asking the salesperson how long they've worked at the dealership and asking the salesperson what car he or she personally drives and why.
  • Shop around: Dealers don't want you to leave the dealership once you've come in, so you will have a lot more power during the negotiation process if you're truly willing to walk away from the deal. If the dealer knows that you've been shopping around, they may also be willing to make you a better offer. You can say something as simple as “Is this really your best offer, because I think I might be able to get a better price at the other dealership.”

If you've purchased a vehicle and the car starts having problems, you could still face financial loss no matter how good the deal seemed to be. You do have legal rights, though, and a California lemon law attorney can help you to take steps to protect yourself. You should contact an attorney ASAP to make sure you take full advantage of the legal remedies available to you.

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"Had nothing but problems with my car. Jordan did a great job with getting Honda to listen and ended up settling. Im so glad Bickel helped me."
Posted By: Rob Sanders